Student Resources

Physical Therapy Exam Prep

Our Studetnt resourses inlcude all social platform like Facebook, Youtube channels and free webinar. We provide easy pneumonic ,daily study topics,practice questions and free study material related to NPTE preparation here.

Free Live Webinar

Sign up for upcoming webinar to get tips and tricks .We cover highly examinable topics .Subscribe to our emails to get an updates on upcoming webinars.


Join our facebook page to stay connected. Get an updates of upcoming events. We will provide easy pneumonic, content and material related to NPTE preparation.

You tube Channel

Subscribe to our You tube channel .You will get free access to short videos of topics that students are struggling with. Here we cover an easy explanation of highly examinable topics.

Free Study Material

You can easily access various educational resources such as cheat sheets, notes, flow charts, and more, which can significantly aid in quick revision and better understanding.